Siam Goshi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. : Aiming to be World’s Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles.
World's Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles.

GOSHI Vision 2030

'GOSHI Vision 2030' presents the long-term vision statement of our mission 'Aiming to be the world’s best manufacturer of exhaust and body parts for motorcycles' to take achieving corporate growth over the next-generation technologies and services.

VISION 2030 (2020.04.01)
Push the Envelope, Seek Infinite Possibilities,
and Contribute to Society by Manufacturing.

Push the envelope
1. We will not cling to our achievements experience but surmount obstacles with new ideas!
2. We can’t be like everyone else! Challenge conventional wisdom!
3. We can’t win as we are. We must go back to the drawing board with open minds and fresh ideas.

Seek infinite possibilities
1. We will never give up even if we fail. We will pursue our dream and never stop moving forward.
2. Keep on challenging ourselves to reach high goals. Never limit ourselves.
3. Uncertain circumstances are exactly when you should take on a challenge. Don’t fear risk!

Contribute to society by manufacturing
1. We want to delight people and ourselves through our manufacturing.
2. We will contribute to the environment, safety, quality, and cost by improving the“artisanal mind” and technologies that we have inherited.