Siam Goshi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. : Aiming to be World’s Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles.
World's Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles.

Governance Initiatives

On the basis of an appropriate governance system as one of the most important tasks for the company management, Siam Goshi formulation of and expansion with the company principles for business ethics, consist of the GOSHI sustainability guidelines, code of conduct, GOSHI corporate governence to our associates, customers, shareholders, investors, and suppliers.

In addition, Siam Goshi made efforts to appropriately disclose including corporate information early detection and correction of misconduct by establishing "Suggestion Agency for the Improvement of Corporate Ethics of Siam Goshi" to trusting relationship with all stakeholders.


Based on the GOSHI Philosophy which is composed of Our Mission, Our Core competence and Core values, sustainability goals, we taking up the challenges to enhance our corporate governance initiative for achieving sustainable long-term increases in corporate performance in a fast-changing global market, in order to increase the trust of shareholders, investors, customers, and society, while sharing joy with people around the world, these along to become a company that people wants to exist.

In December 2017, to clarify the policy for our activities and to improve our corporate value, the "GOSHI Corporate Governance" or "GCG" was defined according to each principle specified in the "GOSHI Code of Conduct" issued by the Goshi Giken Co., Ltd. (The parent company of the GOSHI group).

Based on this, we positions the enhancement of corporate governance as the highest management priority in the corporate activities of SGM, recognizing that the essence of corporate governance is enhancing management efficiency and maintaining sound management, as well as ensuring management transparency.

Concepts for achieving awareness of governance reflects our commitment to taking action

Corporate Governance
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Risk Management
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Information Security
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Corporate Governance

Based on our management philosophy reflected in our commitment with artisanal mind “World's Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles” we place great value on contributing to society and continuing to operate by offering products and services to customers. To put this value into practice, we recognize that our efforts to encourage shareholders, executives and employees to form an efficient coalition, to improve corporate value while compensating stakeholders, and to ensure transparency in the management and enhance accountability are fundamental to good corporate governance.

As the SGM develops its corporate activities, we strive to improve corporate governance based on the GOSHI Group Philosophy, SGM positions the enhancement of corporate governance as the highest management priority in the corporate activities, in order to expand the scope for meet the expectations of our domestic and international stakeholders, we are working to further enhance our corporate governance, achieve sustainable growth, and increase corporate value over the medium to long term.


We believes that trust is the basis of business, and that compliance is a necessary condition for maintaining trust. In order for our business to continue to be a corporate that is truly trusted by society, we will ensure that each and every employee has a thorough awareness of compliance, possesses high dignity and integrity as a corporate citizen, and respects each individual's conscience, common sense, and ethics, and as a human being. In addition to requiring our employees to act in accordance with civility, corporate ethics, and social common sense, we are working to build a compliance system on a global group basis.

Therefore, for ensure all our associate compliance with articles of incorporation, various regulations and laws, we have compiled the honest behavior that people working at GOSHI around the world should practice into the "GOSHI Code of Conduct" and established a management officer “Corporate Ethics Improvement and Suggestion Contact Point” to supervise the entire company, with creating a system and applies to officers and employees of the GOSHI Group, which is comprised of the Company, affiliated and subsidiaries.

“Corporate Ethics Improvement and Suggestion Contact Point” has been established to receive reports, proposals, consultations regarding conduct and received the public consultation, that potentially infringes on laws and regulations or on corporate ethics, in an effort to prevent and improve such conduct.

Risk Management

As we conduct a wide range of business activities on a global level, SGM recognize the types and nature of risks that need to be addressed and the degree of their impact due to sudden changes in the external environment is increasing are also changing rapidly. For this reason, it is essential to have a solid risk management system capabilities are implemented to respond such changes in the business environment quickly and accurately.

Therefore, we have prepared rules on actions to risk factors and risk management at ordinary times includes measures by each section for risk reduction/moderation and preparation of procedures in case of risk. We reflect drill results and prioritizes the management of risks that may materially impact business continuity, along with regularly perform a self-check to improve the capability against risk in the state of management in an ongoing effort to enhance management.

We will work to understand and control such risks that may hinder our growth, as well as to strengthen our capabilities to continue our businesses.

Information Security

With a drive the company towards more efficiency to accelerating digitalization strategies, more and more things and types of information are being connected to each other, that bringing new value creation to society, however this increased reliance on technology, our exposure to system related cyber threats also increases proportionally.

Unfortunately, threats such as cyber-attacks are being carried out more skillfully each day, and there is an ever-present threat that company information, customer details, and other private information will be leaked. It is critical that these risks are managed for the sustainable growth of companies.

In governing IT security, SGM has developed a Cybersecurity Governance framework with the express purpose of ensuring that we design and develop resilient information systems according to local regulation and international standards.

" SGM recognizes the importance of establishing corporate governance aiming for efficient corporate management and global sustainability. Through ongoing improvements, we will continue working to enhance its corporate governance. "